“Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening the body and adding flexibility, stamina, agility, and skills including coordination and efficiency while stimulating the senses and imagination.”

What is Gaga?

First of all I can recommend to watch the episode about Gaga and Ohad Naharin on Netflix. The series is called Move and it is episode nr 2.

Gaga is the movement language developed by Ohad Naharin throughout many years, parallel to his work as a choreographer and artistic director (1990-2018) of Batsheva Dance Company. Gaga originated from Naharin’s need to communicate with his dancers and his curiosity in the ongoing research of movement.

Gaga classes are predicated on a deep listening to the body and to physical sensations. The instructions are deployed to increase awareness of and further amplify sensation, and rather than turning from one prompt to another, information is layered, building into a multisensory, physically challenging experience. While many instructions are imbued with rich imagery, the research of Gaga is fundamentally physical, insisting on a specific process of embodiment. Inside this shared research, the improvisational nature of the exploration enables each participant’s deeply personal connection with Gaga.

Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening the body and adding flexibility, stamina, agility, and skills including coordination and efficiency while stimulating the senses and imagination. The classes offer a workout that investigates form, speed, and effort while traversing additional spectrums such as those between soft and thick textures, delicacy and explosive power, and understatement and exaggeration. Participants awaken numb areas, increase their awareness of habits, and improve their efficiency of movement inside multilayered tasks, and they are encouraged to connect to pleasure inside moments of effort. The language of Gaga is in a continual process of evolution, and the classes vary and develop accordingly.

Gaga has two tracks: Gaga/people and Gaga/dancers.

If you want to read more about Gaga and see their online platform, click here.

Ohad Naharin teaching a Gaga/people class in Tel Aviv.

Ohad Naharin teaching a Gaga/people class in Tel Aviv.